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Autpro s.r.o.
Kaštanová 34, 620 00 Brno
tel.: +420 545 563 345

 Service & Maintenance

In a device delivery there is an option of providing servicing and maintenance of these devices.

Service and maintenance of devices includes:

  • Fault diagnosis and a proposal of their solution
    • Diagnosis and consultancy by a telephone or an e-mail
    • Diagnosing and failure remedy on-site
  • Spare parts delivery
    • Delivery of spare parts
    • Delivery of spare parts including assembly and verification on-site
  • Device maintenance as a part of preventive maintenance visits
    • Preventive maintenance visit and maintenance of device on request of the customer
    • Regular preventive maintenance visit and maintenance of device based on the service contract with the customer

We provide a service contract with ensuring priority servicing with defined response time, as a part of the contract there is a favourable rate for a standard service providing on a regular basis, including rates for spare parts.